 Hosting & Management
Managing and administering an Internet site is often not a core skill for many IT shops. Hosting a website requires optimized servers, high-speed Internet access, database and application services, tracking software, domain naming services, and administration services. Creative Change maintains more than two dozen Internet servers on our private, high-speed network that is connected to two Tier 1 Internet providers for redundancy and high availability.
If you are interested in outsourcing your Internet development and hosting, take a close look at what Creative Change can provide:
- Dual redundant high-speed connectivity to two separate Tier One Internet back bone providers
- Nightly data back-up with off-site tape storage
- Low bandwidth utilization - high network availability
- Switched 10/100 access to all servers and databases
- Emergency battery and generator power
- 24x7 systems monitoring
- Firewall filtering
- Virus protection
- 99.99% uptime
- VPN Capability
Shared applications available
- Cold Fusion
- SQL Server
- Chat room
- Forums
- Online courseware
- UltraSeek Search engine
- Secure certificate generation
- SSL server
Hosting Options*:
Virtual Server |
Shared space on a Dual Pentium Windows 2000 server
SQL Server
Cold Fusion Server
Setup - $650
Monthly hosting $385 |
Dedicated Server |
Dual Pentium III 900 Mhz
512 MB RAM
Windows 2000
Virus protection
8 IP Addresses
Setup - $1,450
Monthly hosting $985 |
*Currently, no bandwidth limitations exist. We reserve the right to meter and charge for bandwidth usage.
 © Copyright 2013, Creative Change, Inc. All rights reserved.
