 Creative Change, Inc., founded in 1993, provides award winning Internet strategy, development, hosting, and technical support for some of the nation's largest and most prestigious hospitals and physician practices.
Our hospital client list includes:
- Bridgeport Hospital
- Yale New Haven Hospital
- Stamford Hospital
- Middlesex Hospital
- Hartford Hospital
- Lahey Clinic
Ready to join a revolution? Whether you become a client or an employee/partner, it's the chance to experience the transformation of healthcare from a stodgy old silo industry to a connected, consumer focused revolution. We're at the epicenter of creating it - We are Creative Change! We're obsessed with helping our clients - hospitals, physician practices, and healthcare organizations - transform themselves into high-performance connected organizations. We create exceptional Internet and Intranet products and services that support the effective communication and interaction between consumers (a.k.a patients in the stodgy old vernacular) and caregivers. We're creating seriously amazing software to save lives and billions of dollars while we help turn an industry upside down. Our software and model of doing business puts you back in control. Control of your data, your budget, and your destiny. Some clients don't get it yet, and that's Ok. When you do, we're ready for you. And believe us, we're having a blast doing it!
And, while you're figuring it out, stay away from the guys in flashy suits, fake Rolex watches, and annual subscription plans with a Swiss Army knife list of features.
Are you ready for Creative Change? If you answer YES to these questions, you're ready to call or email scott@cchange.com (860) 659-3800x10
Take The Creative Change Client Test
- Is your Internet site a poor excuse for a billboard?
- Do you have a clue how to use your site to increase revenue?
- Has your CEO hired his/her nephew to build your site (since no one really looks at it)?
- Are you sick and tired of decreasing reimbursements?
- Have your paperless dreams turned into owning a forest to subsidize more printing?
- Are you certain the Internet is not just a fad?
- Are you sick of specialty practices stealing your best patients?
What are you waiting for! CALL or EMAIL TODAY! scott@cchange.com
(860) 659-3800x10
The Creative Change Employee Test
(If you answer NO to any questions, and you're a quality A team player, call us)
- Have you transformed an industry lately, especially a big one like healthcare?
- Do you love going to work everyday?
- Do you love the politics and bureaucracy at the office?
- Do you have a great Italian restaurant right outside your office door?
- Do you crave boredom?
What are you waiting for! CALL or EMAIL TODAY! scott@cchange.com
(860) 659-3800x10
To inquire about specific products or services, please complete our Inquiry Form.
 © Copyright 2013, Creative Change, Inc. All rights reserved.
